Sunday Shows Overwhelmingly White And Male: Study

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A new study confirms, yet again, one of the more troubling features of the Sunday morning talk shows: that they are dominated by white men.

The study, released by the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts, is part of a new initiative by a wide coalition of Latino groups to bring more diversity to the Sunday shows. The NHFA tabulated every guest and commentator on "This Week," "Meet the Press," "Face the Nation" and "Fox News Sunday" from March-November of 2011. The lack of diversity on the Sunday shows is, of course, hardly news, but the seemingly cast-in-stone makeup of the shows at a time of rapidly increasing diversity is always noteworthy. According to the study, the guests on the shows are 88 percent white, 8 percent black, 3 percent Latino and just 1 percent Asian or Native American. The roster of commentators was similarly skewed: 83 percent white, 7.6 percent black, 4 percent Latino and .67 percent Asian or Native American. Women also represented by just 22 percent of guests.

Sunday Shows Overwhelmingly White And Male: Study