Sunlight wants more transparency from Congress
The Sunlight Foundation announced a series of recommendations for lawmakers, as well as a new website, both aimed at increasing transparency.
Sunlight's recommendations are aimed at the next sessions of Congress, which it hopes will be the "most transparen[t] and accountable in history." To meet that goal, the group urges whoever controls the next Congress to post personal finance disclosures, travel reports and other congressional ethics filings online. Sunlight is also asking lawmakers to post all legislation online for 72 hours to allow public review and create a centralized, online database of earmarks. "While recent reforms in Congress made progress toward greater disclosure, Congress must redouble its commitment to transparency. We hope all current members of Congress, candidates running for office and voters alike consider these recommendations and see them as a solution for how Congress can change the way it works and discloses information," said Ellen Miller, executive director and co-founder of Sunlight.
Sunlight wants more transparency from Congress Influence Explorer (Sunlight)