Support Network Neutrality

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[Commentary] As an entrepreneur and creator of several successful Internet start-ups, I have long been an ardent supporter of open access to the Internet and continue to support net neutrality in Congress today. Thursday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is holding an important meeting to consider a net neutrality framework for the Internet. The decisions that the FCC makes impact the future of the Internet itself. By enshrining open access into regulation, the FCC can ensure that the Internet remains a level playing field for innovative content, services, and applications and does not break apart into various pay-to-play private networks. Please ask your Representative to join me in calling for rules that allow consumers to access the lawful Internet content of their choice, run applications and services of their choice, connect to their choice of legal devices, ensure transparency and competition among network providers and content/service/application providers, and prevent Internet service providers from discriminating against any legal content or applications.

Support Network Neutrality