Survey: Most U.S. adults get news via TV

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Fifty percent of U.S. adults say they prefer getting news from TV, 36 percent prefer getting news online and 10 percent prefer print, a survey indicates.

The survey of 2,307 adults conducted by Harris Interactive Aug. 13 to 20 found more than two-thirds of Americans display a moderate interest in the news, indicating that keeping up with the news is one of many ways they like to spend their leisure time. Thirteen percent self-described themselves as "news junkies," while 18 percent said they were not really interested in the news. There are more male news junkies than female -- 17 percent of men said they follow the news closely, compared with 9 percent of women. Younger adults are especially likely to express a lack of interest in following the news -- 31 percent of the echo boomers, or the generation following the baby boom, said they lacked interest in the news; followed by 23 percent of gen X, or those born 1964 to 1982; 10 percent of baby boomers, or those born from 1946 to 1964 and 6 percent of matures, or those age 65. Online is the dominant mode among echo boomers, while TV remains the dominant mode for gen Xers and the older groups.

Survey: Most U.S. adults get news via TV