Tablet, Smartphone, App Use Rises Among Nurse Community
There was a jump from 2013 to 2014 concerning the use of tablets, e-readers, apps and smartphones among nursing professors and practitioners, according to a survey by Springer Publishing.
The survey, which polled about 1,000 nurses on their ownership and usage of mobile devices, their preferences for nursing and medical apps and e-books, and their favorite Websites for professional use, revealed a leap in smartphone, tablet and e-book reader ownership by survey respondents, the slight majority of which were nurse educators (56 percent), the remaining others being mostly nurse practitioners.
The survey also polled participants on the websites they use for professional purposes. LinkedIn scored highly (48 percent) but was, more surprisingly, closely followed by YouTube (40 percent). (29 percent) and Facebook (27 percent) were also very popular Websites for professional use, the survey found. The 2014 survey found that 83 percent of respondents own a smartphone (up from 71 percent in 2013), 43 percent own an e-book reader (up from 39 percent) and 63 percent own a tablet (a jump from 47 percent).
Tablet, Smartphone, App Use Rises Among Nurse Community