Talking net neutrality and the digital divide with Gigi Sohn, former FCC counselor

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A Q&A with Gigi Sohn, a distinguished fellow at the Georgetown Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy, a Benton Senior Fellow & Public Advocate, and former Federal Communications Comission counselor.

Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) just said it was a “new era” for net neutrality. Do you agree? I absolutely agree, net neutrality is coming back one way or another and I think the way it will first come back is through the FCC when there’s a full complement of commissioners. That’s the big thing we are waiting for, obviously. But not to beat a dead horse, the first thing that needs to come back before net neutrality comes back is FCC authority. The courts have told us you can’t have real net neutrality unless the agency has Title II authority. So that’s the first thing the FCC has to do. That of course gives them not only the power to adopt new net neutrality rules, it gives them the power to adopt new privacy rules if they want to.

Talking net neutrality and the digital divide with Gigi Sohn, former FCC counselor