Tech Firms Call on Lawmakers to Preserve Unlicensed Spectrum Use

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As broadcasters fight to ensure they are protected and public-safety officials push to ensure they get a communications network, a group of tech companies -- Dell, Google, LG Electronics, Microsoft, the National Hispanic Media Coalition, and others -- is raising another red flag about a provision in spectrum legislation being crafted by a House panel.

Their concerns stem from a provision in draft legislation by Republicans on the Commerce Committee that critics worry would limit the use of white spaces, the unlicensed spectrum between television channels. The GOP spectrum bill would require the Federal Communications Commission to auction the right to unlicensed spectrum; critics say that could kill the emerging market for the use of white spaces. The draft measure is aimed at helping public-safety personnel build a national broadband network and at freeing up more spectrum for wireless broadband by enticing broadcasters and others give up some of their airwaves.

Tech Firms Call on Lawmakers to Preserve Unlicensed Spectrum Use