Tech leaders line up behind Trump

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A significant chunk of the tech industry's money and power is lining up behind Donald Trump. Silicon Valley was once solidly Democratic, with just a handful of Republican outliers. Now its red camp is growing and throwing around its weight. Venture capital billionaires Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz each will make donations to Trump's re-election effort. "Techno-optimists" Andreessen and Horowitz are following hot on the heels of Elon Musk's announcement that he would endorse Trump and form a PAC to aid his campaign. Neither Andreessen nor Horowitz is believed to have previously donated to a presidential campaign. The donations are reportedly motivated by areas like crypto and AI regulation, without regard to other issues like abortion or the Supreme Court. In short, they believe Trump will be better for tech startups than will President Joe Biden, who they believe favors entrenched incumbents.

Tech leaders line up behind Trump