TechNet Executives Pushing Congress for Innovation Policies

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TechNet has flown in executives from several tech companies to lobby Congress to act on the group's top priorities, most of which are focused on boosting U.S innovation and competitiveness.

Among those in town for TechNet's 10th annual Washington visit include Cisco Chairman and CEO John Chambers, Sybase Chairman and CEO John Chen, and eHealth Chairman and CEO Gary Lauer. More than 40 TechNet executives will be meeting with lawmakers from both parties to push for action on investment in research and development; clean energy technologies; tax and immigration reform; expanding free trade; and extending the research and development tax credit, which expired at the end of 2011. The group also will be pushing lawmakers to pass legislation to free up more spectrum for wireless broadband technologies and to continue to oppose anti-piracy legislation that critics say could harm the integrity of the Internet and innovation.

TechNet Executives Pushing Congress for Innovation Policies