Ten Years Ago... Angst Over the Digital TV Transition
Ten years ago on St Patrick's Day, there was a good deal of angst about the digital television transition. A New York Times editorial said Congress made a big mistake by not auctioning off spectrum that will be used by broadcasters to provide digital TV. The transition will be costly to consumers and even the biggest-market stations were not planning starting digital broadcasts for six years. Manufactures of the digital TV sets and adapters were threatening to delay production. The editorial urged the FCC to fine stations that did not adhere to a strict timetable to make the transition. In the Wall Street Journal, Alan Murray wrote that the government should have asked broadcasters for free time for candidates before promising the spectrum needed for the transition. Also in the WSJ, Byran Gruley wrote about then-Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain's battle with what he viewed to be the most powerful lobby in Washington: the National Association of Broadcasters. He wanted broadcasters to 1) pay for the spectrum they will use for the transition to digital TV, 2) give political candidates free air time, and 3) change the new TV ratings system to appease angry parents. And Broadcasting and cable identified four issues that clouded DTV's future: 1) the amount of time needed for stations to begin digital broadcasts, 2) UHF broadcasters objections to the proposed power levels, 3) low-power television stations attempts to save their operations, and 4) public service obligations.
* Speeding Up Digital TV
* Advanced TV Makers See Year's Delay
* Digital TV Giveaway Foils Campaign Reform
* Senator McCain Puts the Spotlight on Broadcasters
* Digital TV No Sure Thing