Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Announces Upcoming Changes to Texas Broadband Development Program
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar (R-TX) applauded the signing of crucial legislation giving his office greater flexibility and resources as he works to expand access to reliable high-speed internet throughout Texas. The agency is making changes to the Texas Broadband Development program, which are directly related to the signing of these bills, to enhance broadband access, advance digital opportunities, and better address the digital divide in Texas. These changes, required by the recent passage of Senate Bill 1238, will greatly expand the areas eligible to receive broadband infrastructure grants and will provide much needed flexibility to ensure taxpayer dollars will benefit more Texans. Among notable changes, the Texas Broadband Development Map will display broadband serviceable locations (addresses) as served, unserved or underserved based on updated statutory definitions. These changes will allow the program to target all unserved and underserved locations, not just certain areas, throughout the state. Also included in the legislation is a fiber preference that will prioritize fiber technology while still allowing the deployment of other technologies in appropriate circumstances.
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Announces Upcoming Changes to Texas Broadband Development Program