There Are No Ethical Electronics, So Buy Less Stuff
There is no ethical smartphone.
The sins of Apple's iPhone factories, where laborers literally and figuratively kill themselves in pursuit of faster gadgets, are well-documented. But the problem extends far beyond Apple. Just as the problem isn't only Apple's, neither is it relegated to phones. Laptops, televisions, digital cameras, and every consumer electronic in between wreak havoc on people and environments at every point in their lifespan—save, of course, for when you own them. From the mining that yields their minerals to their assembly line production to, ultimately, their disposal, our devices make messes that leave people sick and landscapes pillaged. How do we live up to our moral ideals without having to quit our jobs and live in an off-the-grid, self-sustaining commune? The answer might be simpler than you think. Consumers can and should demand better from our electronics manufacturers—when we do so, things change.
There Are No Ethical Electronics, So Buy Less Stuff