These six lawsuits shaped the Internet
August 19, 2014
Six legal cases helped to shape the Internet into what it is today.
- Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union (1997): This case protected online freedom of speech.
- Zeran v. America Online (1998): This case allowed website owners to host third-party content without having to worry about being prosecuted if someone published something illegal on that website.
- Zippo Manufacturing Co. v. Zippo Dot Com (1997): The web is "worldwide," right? So which courts get to decide if a certain website has violated the law? This case paved the way toward establishing standards in that regard.
- ProCD v. Zeidenberg (1996): If you clicked to agree, it’s official: You agreed. This case confirms it.
- Religious Technology Center v. Netcom (1995): This case established that linking to another site didn’t equal stealing content from that site.
- Perfect 10, Inc. v. Ever hear of Google Image Search? Of course you have. This case is why it and other similar services are allowed to exist.
These six lawsuits shaped the Internet