Tips for Communicating in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy
October 31, 2012
The Federal Communications Commission, in cooperation with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has developed useful tips, practical advice and guidance to be followed in communicating during a natural disaster emergency such as that presented by Hurricane Sandy:
- Limit non-emergency phone calls. This will minimize network congestion, free up "space" on the network for emergency communications and conserve battery power if you are using a wireless phone;
- Keep all phone calls brief. If you need to use a phone, try to do so only to convey vital information to emergency personnel and/or family;
- For non-emergency calls, try text messaging, also known as short messaging service (SMS), when using your wireless phone. In many cases, text messages will go through when your voice call may not. This will also help free up more network "space" for emergency communications on the telephone network;
- If you have trouble getting through using one communications service, try another. For example, if you are unsuccessful in calling on your wireless phone, try a messaging capability such as text messaging or email. Alternatively, try a landline phone, if one is available. This will help spread the communications demand over multiple networks and should reduce overall congestion;
- Wait ten seconds before redialing a call. On many wireless handsets, in order to redial a number, you simply push "send" after you've ended a call. However, if you do this too quickly, the data from the handset to the cell sites do not have enough time to clear before you've resent the same data. This contributes to a clogged network;
- If in your vehicle, place calls only while your vehicle is stationary. Pull off the road to a safe place to make the call;
- If you have Call Forwarding on your home number, forward your home number to your wireless number, particularly in the event of an evacuation. That way, you will receive incoming calls from your landline phone;
- If you do not have electric power in your home, consider using your car to charge your cell phone or listen to news alerts on the car radio. But be careful – don’t try to reach your car if it is not safe to do so, and remain vigilant about carbon monoxide emissions from your car if it is a closed space, such as a garage;
- Tune in to your local television or radio stations or access the Internet (via your desktop or laptop computer, tablet or mobile phone) for important news alerts.
- If you have a hearing disability, the audio information provided on television emergency programming will be accompanied by visual information. Because this will typically be provided through closed captions, make sure that you have your captions turned on your set.
- If you have a hearing or speech disability and need to make a phone call, you can use relay services to access assistance. In your local area, dial 711 to access these services by text or by voice. Alternatively, you can access IP Relay or video relay services online.
- If you have a visual disability, emergency information provided during televised news programming will be provided in an audio format along with its visual format. If you are watching regularly scheduled (non-news) programming and hear tones or beeps, this signals that emergency information is being provided. Turn on your radio or call someone to get up-to-date information about the emergency that is occurring.
Tips for Communicating in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy