Today's Quote

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House Energy and Commerce ranking member John Dingell, D-Mich., and Telecommunications and the Internet Subcommittee ranking member Edward Markey, D-Mass., offered the buildout amendment, which was defeated 22-11. Energy and Commerce Chairman Joe Barton, R-Texas, opposed the amendment, which he said "really goes to the heart of the bill." In fact, differences over the buildout issue were key to the breakdown of negotiations between Barton and Dingell last month as they sought to reach a bipartisan accord on telecom legislation. "The whole purpose of a national franchise is to give many of our companies that have invested billions and billions the opportunity to provide additional service," said Barton. "If you believe in the underlying purpose of the legislation, vote against this [amendment]. If you think markets don't work, and we need regulation, we need mandates, vote for this." Barton nevertheless praised Dingell's amendment as a "well thought-out" approach to requiring buildout.