Tomorrow's 5G networks drive today's airwave scramble

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The scramble among mobile carriers to amass airwaves for fifth generation (or 5G) wireless networks is picking up steam — and the frenetic pace will continue, even as industry players promise to begin rolling out 5G networks to consumers as soon as 2019. Regulators are rushing to make more spectrum available for what the industry promises will be super-fast speeds and quick response times perfect for applications like virtual reality and self-driving cars.

  • The high-band spectrum: These are airwaves that deliver the key promises of 5G — high speeds, low latency — but with a catch: they can't go that far. That means they’re best suited to dense environments, like cities, where carriers can group small antennas closely together to blanket an area with signal. The Federal Communications Commission plans to auction swathes of these airwaves to carriers later in 2018. 
  • Mid-band spectrum: This is where carriers will turn to make up for the coverage gaps in the dense but narrow high-band networks. These airwaves can also handle more traffic at any given time compared to current wireless networks, making it possible to deliver some of what providers have promised with 5G while also covering a wider area than the high-frequency airwaves. With a vote in July, the FCC may formally consider ways to expand how providers can use a section of mid-level spectrum.
  • Lower-frequency airwaves: These aren't typically seen as useful for 5G, but as such signals carry far and help with rural coverage, there are still some efforts underfoot to apply them to the race. T-Mobile bought large portions of these airwaves in an auction that concluded in 2017, and says it can use them to bolster a 5G network that also includes higher-frequency airwaves. Others are skeptical. “The channel sizes just aren’t big enough to provide a big 5G benefit as compared to LTE,” said the wireless executive.

Tomorrow's 5G networks drive today's airwave scramble