The Top 7 Reasons Why Mobile Ads Don't Work

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A new study by Dartmouth marketing professor Praveen Kopalle sheds light on the mobile Web and app users who don't click on ads. Here are the top seven reasons they steer clear of the ads on smartphones and tablets:

  1. The screen is too small, per 72 percent of survey participants.
  2. People are just too busy for ads, according to 70 percent surveyed.
  3. After tapping an ad and going to the landing page, 69 percent of respondents hate it that they cannot easily return to the content they were reading or watching.
  4. Too hard to get online with cell phones, said 60 percent.
  5. Per 54 percent, it's too frustrating when mobile consumption is interrupted.
  6. Ads take too long to load, stated 53 percent.
  7. Consumers are just not in the mood for ads, said 42 percent.

The Top 7 Reasons Why Mobile Ads Don't Work