Treasury Releases SLFRF and CPF Supplementary Broadband Guidance

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On May 17, 2023, The US Department of the Treasury released supplementary broadband guidance for its State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) and Capital Projects Fund (CPF). As provided for in each SLFRF and CPF award agreement, the Uniform Guidance applies to all uses of funds made available under those awards unless provided otherwise by Treasury. In response to questions from recipients and internet service providers, Treasury issued this guidance regarding the application of the Uniform Guidance to broadband infrastructure projects. This guidance applies to broadband infrastructure contracts and subawards funded by SLFRF and CPF for states, territories, freely associated states, and local governments, including those entered into prior to the release of this guidance. The full supplementary broadband guidance can be found here.

SLFRF and CPF Supplementary Broadband Guidance