Trump’s asymmetric warfare against the media continues to pay off

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[Commentary] Donald Trump won the presidency by assuring voters he could do everything, and do it quickly. Much of his presidency so far has been spent covering up the fact that he can’t. And we keep learning a painful lesson: There’s not much we can do about it.

There’s a term for the sort of military strikes insurgent groups and underpowered forces employ: asymmetric warfare. As it turns out, Donald Trump was eminently prepared to launch an asymmetric warfare campaign against the institutions of American democracy, nowhere more effectively than against the media. His career — part salesman, part showman, part hustler — taught him a key lesson that, as it turns out, was as effective against the media as an IED could be against a military caravan: Never admit you’re wrong.

Trump’s asymmetric warfare against the media continues to pay off