Trump’s changes to the White House press access may have a silver lining

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[Commentary] During the campaign Donald Trump banned certain reporters or media outlets from covering him. Since the election his Chief of Staff has hinted that they might do away with the daily White House press briefing or, at a minimum, change the make-up of who gets briefed and how. Although there is a lot of anxiety among journalists at the prospect that the Trump Administration will make good on its promise to upend the normal course of president-media relations—it could also present an opportunity to journalists.

The freedom from the briefing room to get the information they need in other ways could be an opportunity not only to fulfill their role to hold leaders accountable but also for investigative reporting that informs and enlightens, and that helps sustain the lifeblood of a democracy: an informed citizenry.

[She is currently Founding Director Andrews Institute for Civic Leadership, Lipscomb University in Nashville (TN).]

Trump’s changes to the White House press access may have a silver lining