Trump's @POTUS Twitter account was tied to Gmail

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The White House tightened up President Trump's lax social media security shortly after it was revealed that Trump’s official Twitter account, @POTUS, was linked to a personal Gmail account. The Gmail link could have allowed any hacker with access to the Gmail account to reset the Twitter password and gain control of the influential account.

A request to reset the password for the account earlier on Jan 26 revealed that Trump’s recovery e-mail was an address on Google’s widely used e-mail service. A TV Guide editor was the first to attempt the password reset. The Hill confirmed that the password could be reset through Gmail. As the hacks of Democratic Party-affiliated e-mail accounts allegedly perpetrated by Russian hackers recently revealed, personal accounts can be vulnerable to illicit access. Theoretically, a hacker could use the Gmail account to wrest control of the @POTUS handle for mischief or worse.

Trump's @POTUS Twitter account was tied to Gmail