Twitter Q&A on Children’s Online Privacy with Reps. Markey and Barton

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Senator Edward Markey and Rep Joe Barton hosted a Twitter Q&A April 9, 2014 on children’s online privacy.

Using the hashtag #AskKidsPriv, the lawmakers will answer questions on Twitter about how parents can protect their children online, what tools are available to prevent online tracking of children, and their legislation The Do Not Track Kids Act.

The Do Not Track Kids Act, co-sponsored by Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) in the Senate and Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) in the House, amends the historic Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), will extend, enhance and update the provisions relating to the collection, use and disclosure of children’s personal information and establishes new protections for personal information of children and teens.

Twitter Q&A on Children’s Online Privacy with Reps. Markey and Barton