Understanding Google Fiber better

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Google's high-speed internet test program is down to a six-month window before it's implemented in Kansas City.

The Social Media Club of Kansas City says since the announcement in March, families are slow to realize the Google Fiber could be in their homes. That's why SMCKC has held a series of community meetings with metro neighborhoods to get them on a consideration list. "When we talk to neighborhood people, there's still a lot of 'what does this mean? How is this going to change my life, why do I want it? Why do I care?' So Give Us a Gig is an opportunity for us to take those opportunities out and educate, engage, and help those communities advocate for themselves to be able to get it," Aaron Deacon with SMCKC said. The Give Us a Gig project gives metro communities a chance to prove themselves worthy of Google's high-speed internet. Google would provide a gigabyte of download speed - nearly 100 times faster than the average provider. SMCKC is not affiliated with Google. The club is a volunteer based organization with a mission to further technology in Kansas City. The club is working with Google on community feedback and interest. Deacon admits Google has not released details about the price or when and where the fiber will be laid. But Deacon says SMCKC wants to help all communities be eligible. "We want to make sure people who can't afford it, we're trying to figure out through grant writing, partnerships, local businesses, where some of the lower income neighborhoods can have access to the service," Deacon said. Google expects to implement the test program by June and has said rates will be competitive.

Understanding Google Fiber better