United Church of Christ Members Speak out in Federal Court to Stop Media Mergers
April 12, the United Church of Christ Office of Communication (UCC OC) continued its effort to block federal rules that are permitting vastly increased consolidation in television, radio, and newspapers in local communities. Following up on its opening brief, filed last Dec, UCC OC and its allies filed their response to the Federal Communications Commission and industry briefs which defend consolidation. In the case of the current suit, UCC OC showed that the church has standing--through harm to its members and harm to its own work caused by the federal rule changes. To do this, UCC OC relied on declarations of a proud UCC member and its board chair. UCC OC's board chair, Earl Williams, Jr., member of South Euclid UCC in Cleveland, explained that the church's work as a whole is harmed by media mergers and the lack of representation in media and news. Ravi Kapur, winner of OC's 2017 McGannon Award and member of Free Press (one of the other participants in the suit) described the impact of consolidation on his efforts, as an entrepreneur of South Asian descent, to serve underserved communities. These UCC members and allies are helping to push back rules that will permit more consolidation in local media.
Sustaining our Leadership Role, UCC Members Speak out in Federal Court to Stop Media Mergers