Universal Broadband, Economic Development and Job Creation
Economic and job creation success stories are more likely to take place not in the United States, but in countries with a more competitive combination of robust, affordable broadband and well-trained knowledge-workers. That is why in today's world, America requires a well-considered National Broadband Strategy. This is not just a matter of creating jobs and stimulating economic growth here at home; ultimately, it is a matter of economic necessity and survival in the globally-connected and competitive marketplace. The qualitative and quantitative evidence is clear and consistent: at the individual, local/community, and national levels, the deployment of fast, reliable, and affordable broadband will stimulate tremendous economic development and create hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of good-paying jobs that might otherwise be lost or go offshore. A well-educated population is essential to retaining America's competitiveness in the global economy. The ever-increasing knowledge and skill demands of the 21st century require that secondary school preparation and requirements be better aligned with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workforce. To promote significant and sustained economic development and job creation, and enhance America's economic and technological competitiveness versus other nations, the new Administration must take swift and bold action that will once again make the United States a world leader in advanced telecommunications infrastructure. As detailed above, on Day One of his Administration, the new President must issue Executive Orders that will result in the execution of a National Broadband Strategy to bring universal, affordable, and robust broadband to every household in America.
Universal Broadband, Economic Development and Job Creation