Unleash Fixed Wireless Service in 12 GHz to Help Close the Digital Divide

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has a unique opportunity today to help close the digital divide by authorizing high-powered two-way fixed wireless service in the 12.2-12.7 GHz band (the lower 12 GHz band). This will bring more upper mid-band spectrum to the market for high-powered, two-way fixed wireless service. Current terrestrial licensees have submitted a plan that, with Commission approval, would allow them to bring fixed broadband to consumers while protecting existing Direct Broadcast Satellite and non-geostationary satellite, fixed-satellite service customers in the band from harmful interference. This important action would have a number of public interest benefits. Notably, it would put 500 MHz of new upper mid-band spectrum into the market, introducing competition, which in turn leads to higher available speeds and lower prices for consumers. Under agreements with the licensees, portions of the band would also be made available free of charge to Tribal communities to develop broadband solutions that will meet their needs. Furthermore, it will empower an ecosystem where mid-band spectrum drives innovation, new technologies, and next-generation connectivity for American consumers and businesses. Expanding the lower 12 GHz band for fixed broadband has the support of a broad coalition of industry stakeholders and public interest advocates, as well as bipartisan support from Members of Congress on key committees of jurisdiction. Given current license holders’ assurances that fixed wireless service will not exceed established protection levels for satellite services, claims that such services already deployed in the band will experience harmful interference are unfounded.

[Michael Calabrese is Director of the Wireless Future Project, a project of the Open Technology Institute. Chris Lewis is President and CEO of Public Knowledge. Chip Pickering is the CEO of INCOMPAS. Andrew Jay Schwartzman is Benton Senior Counselor.]

Unleash Fixed Wireless Service in 12 GHz to Help Close the Digital Divide