Update on Process Reform at the FCC

[Commentary] In early 2014, we embarked on an ambitious initiative to improve how we do business at the Federal Communications Commission with the release of the Process Reform Report. The 154 recommendations in the report focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of how the agency conducts business, handling items more quickly and more transparently (especially backlogged matters), improving our interactions with external stakeholders, and eliminating or streamlining outdated rules, procedures, and processes. There’s much work left to be done, but we’ve made a lot of progress, and I’m very proud of the team effort. Notable accomplishments include:

  • Improved Public interfaces
  • Increasing Speed of Disposal
  • Backlog Reduction
  • Promoting Efficient and Effective Internal Operations
  • Additional Rule and Process Changes to Promote Effective Regulation in Bureaus/Offices

This is good progress, but there’s much more to be done -- internal process reform initiatives will continue over the months to come. We plan to deploy new IT tracking and collaboration tool capability, more electronic filing and automated processes, and adopt many more proposals that would eliminate or streamline outdated rules. I look forward to working with you all to realize even more of the tangible benefits flowing from process reform initiatives over the course of 2015.

Update on Process Reform at the FCC