Updated Interim Eligible Locations List for Enhanced Alternative Connect America Model Mechanism

The Federal Communications Commission's Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) announced an update to the Interim Eligible Locations list for use in the Enhanced Alternative Connect America Model (Enhanced ACAM) mechanism.  Pursuant to the Enhanced A-CAM Order, the Bureau must provide a final report on the Enhanced A-CAM obligations and support amounts no later than December 31, 2025.  The Interim Eligible Locations file is intended to update to Enhanced A-CAM carriers and other stakeholders regarding the status of locations in Enhanced A-CAM service areas based on currently available data. This list is updated to use location data from the December 2023 Broadband Serviceable Location (BSL) Fabric (Fabric) and availability data as of June 2023, as well as correcting minor errors, such as incorrect study area boundaries, that were identified since the release of the January 2024 list.  This Interim Eligible Locations file does not include several factors that must be considered before it may be finalized, but for which supporting data is not currently available.  Specifically, it does not show the effect of:

  • Federal enforceable commitments to deploy 100/20 Mbps or faster broadband that were made by August 30, 2023, but have not yet been entered into the Broadband Funding Map;
  • State enforceable commitments to deploy 100/20 Mbps or faster broadband that were made by August 30, 2023;
  • Successful challenges to the Fabric that would add or remove locations from the December 2023 version;
  • Successful challenges to the June 2023 availability data (or later availability data, as applicable to locations for which there is no June 2023 availability data) that were not resolved in time for inclusion in the May 2024 National Broadband Map; or
  • Tribal locations removed from Enhanced A-CAM by mutual agreement of the Tribal entity and the Enhanced A-CAM recipient.

WCB Announces an Updated Interim Eligible Locations List for Enhanced Alternative Connect America Model Mechanism