UPDATED: MAP Requests One More Round of Broadband Plan Comments
The Media Access Project has requested the Federal Communications Commission allow the public an opportunity to submit comments addressing issues which have arisen during the course of the FCC's consideration of the National Broadband Plan docket. The submission of such reply comments, MAP says, is both feasible and desirable in light of the FCC Chairman's January 7, 2010 request to Congress that it be afforded a one-month extension of time, until March 17, 2010, within which to submit a National Broadband Plan. MAP believes the FCC would benefit from accepting additional submissions relating to newly raised issues. Moreover, as a practical matter, some parties will exercise their right to submit unsolicited ex parte communications on such questions. Establishing a formal procedure, and a deadline, for such filings will create a more orderly, and more fair, means of administering the National Broadband Plan docket.
Update: On Jan 13, the Federal Communications Commission has granted MAP's request. Reply comments should be filed no later than January 27, 2010.
MAP Requests One More Round of Broadband Plan Comments Public Notice (FCC)