The US and China agree not to conduct economic espionage in cyberspace

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The United States and China have agreed that neither country will conduct economic espionage in cyberspace in a deal that addresses a major source of tension in the bilateral relationship. The pact also calls for a process aimed at helping to ensure compliance.

The agreement, reached in talks Sept 24 and 25 between President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping, has the potential -- if it is upheld -- to alleviate one of the most significant threats to US economic and national security. But, President Obama said, “the question now is, are words followed by actions?” The two sides also said they would set up a high-level joint dialogue on cybercrime in which senior officials from both countries would be able to review allegations of cyber-intrusions. They agreed to establish a hotline to discuss issues that might arise in that process.

The US and China agree not to conduct economic espionage in cyberspace Fact Sheet: US-China Economic Relations (White House Fact Sheet) The new US-China cybersecurity agreement: (brief guide from Vox)