USA to Soon Trail Developing Countries in R&D, Asia on the Rise: UNESCO Report

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The United States has decreased its research and development (R&D) prowess and is increasingly threatened by the scientific capabilities and innovations of developing countries like India and China, indicates a United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) report.

The UNESCO Science Report reveals that Asia has increased its global share of R&D to 32%, up from 27% in 2002, and the global share of R&D out of the EU, Japan, and the U.S. combined has decreased from 83% to 76%, though they remain the leader in number of yearly patents initiated. "The distribution of research and development (R&D) efforts between North and South has changed with the emergence of new players in the global economy," says UNESCO Director General, Irina Boko, in the report.

USA to Soon Trail Developing Countries in R&D, Asia on the Rise: UNESCO Report Research and development: USA, Europe and Japan increasingly challenged by emerging countries (UNESCO)