Use spare spectrum for the Net

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[SOURCE: Los Angeles Times, AUTHOR: Editorial Staff]
[Commentary] The Federal Communications Commission's goal for an upcoming spectrum auction should be to encourage the development of more broadband Internet services. The commission should heed recommendations from high-tech and satellite TV firms, which say a 10% increase in the size of the current plan's blocks would allow for more types of wireless broadband technology. Having more sources of broadband is particularly important in rural areas, where high-speed Internet service has been scarce.The rules should also allow bidders to offer a premium for a national set of licenses, which would encourage the creation of national broadband networks while deterring present broadband suppliers from hoarding the airwaves in a single region. Those suppliers might still try to buy national licenses and offer services that don't compete with their DSL offerings. That's why the FCC should require that, for at least a portion of the spectrum, the winning bidder make its network available on a wholesale basis. Such a requirement would open the door for independent competitors to offer wireless broadband service over a leased network. The commission should also require that at least some of the new frequencies be open to any compatible device or application that doesn't interfere with other users of the airwaves. That way, consumer electronic companies could build and sell devices without having to strike deals with network operators.,...
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Use spare spectrum for the Net