Verizon to deploy high-speed broadband to rural households in Central New York

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Onondaga County (NY) has selected Verizon to deploy broadband in several communities in this Central New York area. With $11.1 million in funding provided as part of the American Rescue plan (ARPA) and a nearly $7 million dollar investment from Verizon, almost $18 million will be spent on bringing all-fiber, high-speed broadband services to over 1,500 locations in the county. Verizon’s bid was supported by the Communications Workers of America (CWA). Verizon will leverage its supplier relationships to meet the goals set by Onondaga County related to Minority/Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE). Anticipated suppliers include New York-based Corning Incorporated and Onondaga County-based Right Price Companies (RPC technology), which are expected to supply Verizon with fiber optics cable and other materials. 

Verizon to deploy high-speed broadband to rural households in Central New York