Verizon Executive Details Pennsylvania Funding Win, Company Also Gets Virginia Money

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Verizon won broadband funding from two Pennsylvania counties recently. Verizon Vice President of Business Operations for Wireline Networks Doug Sullivan offered details about the wins, which are for areas where the company has begun deploying its Fios fiber broadband service. The Pennsylvania awards were for Washington and Westmoreland counties. Both counties awarded funding to Verizon that they received through the federal State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund program that was established in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Verizon will contribute more than half of total project costs of $9 million to the builds. The company will deploy its Fios fiber broadband service. Verizon is the incumbent carrier in some parts of the counties where it won funding, Sullivan said. The Virginia counties where Verizon has begun to deploy Fios in projects funded, in part, through government funding are Carolina and Greensville counties. Some of the funding came through the ARPA state and local program and some came through a state-level program that also used ARPA funding. Verizon will contribute a bit more than half of total project costs of $15 million for the two counties.


Verizon Exec Details Pennsylvania Funding Win, Company Also Gets Virginia Money