Vox.com is going to be a great test of Ezra Klein’s critique of journalism
[Commentary] Vox.com, the much-discussed new project from Ezra Klein, Melissa Bell, and Matt Yglesias. With the obvious disclaimer -- cautioned by the Vox crew -- that it’s way too early to draw any real conclusions, I agree with what seems to be the prevailing view online: It’s off to a pretty good start.
But if it’s still early to draw conclusions about the execution, one thing about Vox seems already clear: It’s going to be, basically, what you’d expect if you’ve been following Klein’s critique of the industry -- which is that journalism turns off news consumers by focusing too much on what’s new, and so makes it hard to understand why it matters, or what the big picture is.
Vox.com is going to be a great test of Ezra Klein’s critique of journalism