Want Real Choice in Broadband? Make These Three Things Happen

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For more broadband choice, encourage your elected officials to make these three things happen:

1) Allow Smaller Providers to Lease Infrastructure. Regulators seem to believe that this is too radical an idea for the US, despite the fact that until 2005, DSL internet providers had to lease their wires.
2) Improve Access to Utility Poles: Mandating one touch make-ready is perhaps the most important thing that local, state, and federal governments could do to help smaller internet providers expand their footprints.
3) Streamline the Right-of-Way: Gathering all the necessary permits to cross state lines or build on public property can also take months or years, and require talking to countless agencies. Those permitting processes are in desperate need of streamlining.

Want Real Choice in Broadband? Make These Three Things Happen