Web gets a workout as bloggers and others follow story

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[SOURCE: USAToday, AUTHOR: Martha T. Moore]
Sen. Barack Obama's speech Tuesday on race and his former pastor's controversial remarks lit up the Internet on a day when the story competed with a surging stock market and a political sex scandal in New York. According to Technorati, a website that tracks blog postings, there were about 1,300 posts if "Obama race" was placed in the search engine. Still, Obama's race speech was not among the most popular Web posts about the Illinois senator. For example, there were about 10,000 posts about Obama on Feb. 25, Technorati research shows. That was the day a photograph of the Democratic presidential candidate in traditional Somali dress was posted on the Drudge Report. The Drudge Report, a popular site for political news, featured the text of Obama's speech as its lead item all day. On the liberal Huffington Post, the text of Obama's speech got more than 160,000 page views. By late Tuesday, stories about Obama's speech were the most-viewed items on news sites run by The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. By late Tuesday, Obama's speech was the most-viewed video on MSNBC.com, the second-most-viewed story on websites for ABC, CBS and CNN.

Web gets a workout as bloggers and others follow story