Welcome to the New First Screen: Your Phone

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Say hello to the new first screen: your phone. Daily time spent on mobile devices is now outpacing TV in the US for the first time, according a newly-released 2014 AdReaction study from Millward Brown.

Americans now spend 151 minutes per day on smartphones, next to 147 in front of TVs. But the numbers are even greater elsewhere.

In China, consumers spend a whopping 170 minutes a day buried in smartphones, nearly double their TV watching time. Users in Indonesia, the Philippines, Brazil and Vietnam also spend more total screen minutes on average than the US, predominately on mobile. The firm surveyed more than 12,000 mobile users, between the ages of 16 and 44, in 30 different countries, polling consumption of ads over TVs, laptops, smartphones and tablets.

Welcome to the New First Screen: Your Phone