What is corruption?
[Commentary] What exactly is corruption? Political scientists have identified three variants of the concept emerging from the legal world: quid pro quo corruption, monetary influence and distortion. Each flavor of corruption is neatly featured in the 2016 campaign season.
Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) has long held campaign finance reform as an “assault on free speech.” Hillary Clinton wants to overturn Citizens United but doesn’t think money from private groups (including her speaking fees from Goldman Sachs) corrupts politicians. And both Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Donald Trump condemn the distortion of the political system by powerful people and promise to overthrow the whole system if elected. (Meanwhile, Gov John Kasich (R-OH) supports whatever system will let him win). The debate really comes down to a tug of war between political equality and free speech. How much influence should one person’s voice have over another’s? What role should our legal system play in protecting political equality, and how can it do that best?
What is corruption?