What Happens if the Media Defies White House Camera Ban?
CNN host Don Lemon suggested that the White House press corps defy the White House camera ban, and turn on their cameras during the daily briefings. Reporters could certainly do that, but the White House would be within its rights to kick them out because reporters probably don’t have a First Amendment right to film or even attend the briefings, experts said. “Having a seat at a White House briefing is a privilege, not a right,” said Lucy Dalglish, dean of the University of Maryland journalism school. “The White House writes the rules,” Dalglish said. “If the networks turned on their cameras, my guess is that the entire network would be indefinitely expelled from the briefings. Credentials would be yanked.” At least reporters would not break any laws if they secretly taped. “I’m not sure any law would be broken if the the cameras were turned on surreptitiously,” Dalglish said. That’s because the District of Columbia is a “one party” jurisdiction that allows a person to record their conversations with another person, she said.
What Happens if the Media Defies White House Camera Ban?