What kind of spectrum do carriers want for 5G? 'All of it'

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What kind of spectrum is AT&T looking to as it plots it 5G strategies? “All of it,’’ according to Hank Hultquist, AT&T’s vice president of federal regulatory. And AT&T isn’t alone in taking a holistic view of the role spectrum will play as carriers roll out 5G services and technologies in the coming years.

Indeed, that was the overriding theme during a round table discussion Sept 13 at Mobile World Congress Americas focusing on airwaves and next-generation networks. 5G “is not a particular band; it’s more a weaving together,” said Julie Knapp, chief of the FCC’s Office of Engineering and Technology. Rather, it will see carriers use a wide variety of wavelengths as they build next-generation networks, using the most appropriate spectrum and antennas in specific areas based on multiple factors.

What kind of spectrum do carriers want for 5G? 'All of it'