What Startups Are Looking For in Net Neutrality Rules

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[Commentary] Title II is merely the tool that enables the Federal Communications Commission to craft strong network neutrality rules; the FCC must then choose to use that tool to enact meaningful, enforceable rules.

While it seems unlikely that the FCC would reclassify only to put forth weak rules, the devil is in the details. Consumers and small businesses that will suffer from net neutrality violations simply cannot afford to hire attorneys and lobbyists to engage in legal battles with some of the largest companies in America. The rules the FCC enacts should err on the side of the startups and consumers by allowing for streamlined and affordable processes to challenge discriminatory practices by ISPs, ensuring that the rules are not merely a dead letter.

[Evan Engstrom is the Policy Director at the nonprofit Engine]

What Startups Are Looking For in Net Neutrality Rules