What Washington Has In Store For Broadcasters in 2011

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This year, like many in the recent past, Washington will consider issues that could fundamentally affect the broadcast industry -- for both radio and TV, and affecting the growing online presence of broadcasters.

The Federal Communications Commission, Congress, and other government agencies are never afraid to provide their views on what the industry should be doing but, unlike other members of the audience, they can force broadcasters to pay attention to their views by way of new laws and regulations. And there is never a shortage of ideas from Washington as to how broadcasters should act. Some of the issues are perennials, coming back over and over again (often without resolution), while others are unique to this coming year. Issues unique to radio and TV, and those that could affect the broadcast industry generally: spectrum reclamation, white spaces, low power TV's digital transition, retransmission consent reform, performance royalties, ownership rules, localism and the future of media, equal employment opportunity rules, and political advertising rules.

What Washington Has In Store For Broadcasters in 2011