What You Need to Know About the Fight to Save Net Neutrality

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A Q&A with Sarah Morris, director of Open Internet Policy and senior policy counsel at the Open Technology Institute. 

Asked, "Where do we go from here? What are the next steps you’re looking to take?" Morris responded, "If you take away nothing from this interview, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the rules haven’t been repealed yet. Chairman Pai has circulated a draft of what he plans to do, and, as I said earlier, it’s a complete and total repeal of the rules. There has been a groundswell of opposition to that approach, in large part because the rules are immensely popular across the United States. People have already, in huge numbers, called their members of Congress, asking them to put pressure on the Chairman to pull this item from a vote. Really, people just need to keep up the drum beat to make clear that a repeal of net neutrality isn’t what they want. All the FCC has to do, at this point, is nothing. The rules are in place, and they’ve been upheld by the DC circuit; they’re good law. If the vote happens, we’ll have to start considering other options to challenge that repeal, and there are various options in the courts and elsewhere."

What You Need to Know About the Fight to Save Net Neutrality