WhiteHouse 2.0
In the President's last Weekly Address, he called on government to "recognize that we cannot meet the challenges of today with old habits and stale thinking." He added that "we need to reform our government so that it is more efficient, more transparent, and more creative," and pledged to "reach beyond the halls of government" to engage the public. On Friday, the White House took steps to expand how the Administration is communicating with the public, including the latest information and guidance about the H1N1 virus. In addition to WhiteHouse.gov, you can now find the White House in a number of other spots on the web: 1) Facebook.com/WhiteHouse, 2) MySpace.com/WhiteHouse, and 3) Twitter.com/WhiteHouse
WhiteHouse 2.0 White House Joins MySpace (And More) (TechDailyDose)