Who Pays For Network Neutrality?
[Commentary] Network neutrality proponents won’t be honest about what they really are asking for from the Federal Communications Commission when they demand “no fast lanes” or “no paid prioritization” net neutrality, because they know openly demanding a permanent zero-price for Silicon Valley’s downstream Internet traffic, paid for and subsidized by consumers, is a political loser and indefensible as deceptive.
The deep deception here is the public claim that it would be unfair to entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley giants if any business voluntarily could pay for faster Internet speeds and for more usage -- like consumers already routinely do. Thus the supposed “fair” policy would be “equal” corporate welfare from the FCC in the form of a permanent zero-price for downstream Internet traffic. If the FCC applies 1934 Title II “telecommunications” utility regulations to the Internet, in order to mandate a permanent zero-price for downstream Internet traffic, consumer broadband bills will go up.
[Scott Cleland is Chairman of NetCompetition, a pro-competition e-forum supported by broadband interests]
Who Pays For Network Neutrality?