Why Media Matters
[SOURCE: Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ press release]
The Office of Communication of the United Church of Christ, Inc. (OC, Inc.) is releasing a unique brochure series designed to help educate the public about the role media play in shaping current issues. The "" series of seven brochures is aimed at community groups, organizers and advocates, and show why organizing around media is essential in achieving broader social justice goals. "What makes the series unique is that each brochure starts with issues that different groups care about," said Robert Chase, executive director of OC, Inc. "The brochures apply media policy and organizing principles to pressing social concerns, rather than treating the media itself as the issue." The seven brochures target: community organizers; parents, youth and families; environmental advocates; independent artists; immigrant communities; faith groups; and labor activists. They contain engaging stories from diverse ethnic voices within the constituent groups themselves. Each brochure also includes practical next steps and points readers to existing sources and organizing tools.