Why Not Mobile Peak Data Hours Rather Than Data Caps?
[Commentary] The cost for sending and receiving data from AT&T's facility is cheap and still falling. The T1 line running to the tower, like the tower itself, is already paid for. The problem is just the scarcity of the airwaves — there are times when too many people want to use their devices at the same time. It's oddly not unlike what happens with pricing on using phones to make calls. We've all gotten used to the idea of peak hours with our phone minutes — and understand they idea of nights and weekends, where calls are cheaper or free because fewer people are making calls at that time. So why not offer data pricing that offers (say) 1GB per month of peak data, with extra gigs priced at peak and off-peak rates? This way consumers would be able to make better decision about how much content to consume.
Why Not Mobile Peak Data Hours Rather Than Data Caps?