Wild, Wild Wireless
[Commentary] The Federal Communications Commission thinks we have too few wireless competitors, though most Americans have a choice of five, and that's one or two more than most advanced countries find they need. In reality, the problem isn't too little competition, but not enough revenue to pay for the rapidly growing amounts of bandwidth customers are using. Raising prices and throttling users isn't working, so the only solution is to cram more and more paying customers onto the network. Even AT&T and Verizon are desperate for more customers, never mind congestion, because that's the only way they can generate revenues to cover the needed investment. In blocking the T-Mobile acquisition, Washington cites a looming Verizon-AT&T duopoly. The truth is, with its own deal, Verizon leaps so far ahead that it's becoming Verizon versus a distantly trailing pack.
Wild, Wild Wireless