Will Marsha Blackburn be GOP’s next tech policy champion? Is she owned by telecom industry?

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In the first few weeks of 2011, Rep. Marsha Blackburn didn't just test the tech policy waters, she dove in head first.

On the opening day of the 112th Congress, the Tennessee Republican reintroduced a bill to bar the Federal Communications Commission from instituting network neutrality rules. Days later, she spoke on an online privacy panel at the geek equivalent of the Oscars: the International Consumer Electronics Show. Last week, she keynoted the State of the Net conference — the biggest tech policy fete in the capital so far this year. Blackburn’s turf, however, is far from the tech hubs of Silicon Valley, New York’s Silicon Alley or Boston’s Route 128 corridor. She’s from Brentwood (TN), a suburb of Nashville, known more for producing country music than silicon chips or Web startups.The tech community has taken notice.

Jason Linkins looks at who's financing Rep Blackburn's campaigns and finds Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and the National Cable and Telecommunications Association near the top of the list.

Will Marsha Blackburn be GOP’s next tech policy champion? Is she owned by telecom industry? Marsha Blackburn, Touted As 'Tech Policy Champion,' Is Actually In The Pocket Of Telecoms (Huffington Post)